Meeting Notes 10th September 2001



Chrissie, Ian, Ade, Lee, Jo, Liz Clarke, Liv, Sijbren, Simon & Beth



Dave Bate & Andy Rutter send their apologies


Matters arising from last meeting

·         Accounts to be audited by Darren Payne now

·         Teacher Packs – outstanding


Coaching Courses

·         Courses for training teachers to coach korfball. A number of courses are available that have been communicated to Liv by Liam. Liv to follow up with Liam on what is available.

·         Coaching training focussing on training of juniors is felt to be important National Coaching Foundation was run a few years back that would be suitable. Simon to find out about course when he is in contact with National Coaching Foundation.


Mini Junior Tournament

·         23rd September in Cheam but date clashes with number of East Anglian Cup Matches.  Therefore we won’t enter a team but will explain why and invite them to the tournament as minuted below. Liv to write to them.

·         Liz would like to host a Mini Tournament in Cambridge in October.


Juniors Coaching

·         Liz to check availability of Netherhall School for Christmas period and half term.

·         Clubs running training on the near future are:


16th September      Tigers

23rd September      City

30th September      Kites

7th October             Phoenix

14th October           Tigers

21st October           City

28th October           Kites


·         Simon to take on coaching of under 13’s where they use senior posts. Second coach (Lee) will coach other children on smaller posts.

·         Letter/flyer to teachers/children who were part of Club School Link to be sent out telling them of training dates. Jo to make up flyer and give to schools. Poster also to be provided. Liv and Ade to see if they can find official BKA posters for juniors promotion.

·         Sijbren advised how it is VERY important to have continuity in faces. Also that it is best to get children as young as possible to maintain them. Lee also said he would be a regular face along with Simon. As will Sijbren if required. Bodies will still be required from other clubs to help out with exercises and setting up etc.  Two people from each club to go along as the above schedule. Future requirement for this will be assessed and discussed at next meeting.


Feedback from Juniors training



Numbers have been a bit low over the summer but regular faces are turning up to training



Enthusiastic children but need to get more children along. Perhaps get children to go to Holland


National BKA Youth Cup

·         Date for decision is 15th September as to whether to enter. We earn BKA points for seniors by doing this aswell.

·         Liz to enter teams into event.

·         Letter to be drafted by Lee on CKA logo paper to go to parents of children who have played korfball in the past saying we’ll be entering three teams in the cup and they are invited to participate.

·         Chrissie to send logo to Camkorf


Lottery Grant Application

·         Darren to audit accounts and then final costing and signing of application required.


City Council Grant

·         Grant wanted to rent posts and balls for schools. Liv's handbook would be useful for teachers too aswell as teaching pack. Application in form of letter to Debbie Kay at the council to be sent by Ian. This first stage grant is £1000.00.

·         Follow up grants would make it possible to purchase these posts.

·         Posts are currently located as follows:


2 sets


2 sets

Milton Road

2 sets

St. Matthews

1 set

Newnham Croft


Plan of action summary

·         Junior Development Team Meetings

·         Teams still to provide coaches and Simon to train under 13’s on senior posts

·         October 2001 to be date for Junior Tournament. Liz to check ground availability and contact clubs that usually attend. Under 11’s and Under 13’s to be run.

·         Ian’s letter to Council to be used for basis of letter UK Fire for Junior Sponsorship. Ian to liase with Dave Sheldon. We don’t have junior shirts so this would be a useful form of sponsorship.

·         Letters and flyers to Club School Link teachers and children.

·         After school clubs to be developed. Lee to work with St. Matthews. Other schools would be Colville (which could go to Netherhall on a Sunday) and Bar Hill.

·         Contact Homerton College and see if trainee teachers may wish to come along and coach juniors. Liv to see how we can link in with Homerton as a resource of potential teachers.

·         Lee to see if we can get Colville and St. Matthews along to Mini Tournament.



Next Meeting

11th October 2001 @ 7pm. Liv’s House




Ade 11th September 2001